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4 Treffer   Kategorie: VPX Systeme [X]   
 3 Produkte  
 0 Dokumente  
 1 Kategorien  
 0 PDFs  (+ 2 mit Registrierung)  
MIL-STD-1553 (Kategorie)
MIL-STD-1553 (kurz MIL-Bus) ist ein Feldbus, den die US-Luftwaffe 1973 einführte. Der MIL-Bus ist im militärischen Flugzeugbau und in der Raumfahrt zur Ansteuerung der Systemkomponenten weit verbreitet,
Oberkategorie: Militär und Avionik
CRS-D8I-3VF1: 3U VPX Application Ready Data Processing System (Produkt)
Abaco Systems’ CRS-D8I-3VF1 COTS Rugged System is a 1/2 ATR packaged prevalidated VPX computer system with an Intel-based processor single board computer. This data processing system provides a rugged and highly flexible computing platform...
Hersteller: Abaco   Kategorien: VPX Systeme
Custom VPX Systems: VPX Mission & Payload Systems (Produkt)
Themis' MPSI focus on specific market platforms including Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV), helicopter, fixed wing aircraft, ground vehicles and military robotics. The MPSI target applications include UAV Sensor Processors, Data Processing and Recording Units, Mission Computers, Display Processors ...
Hersteller: Mercury Systems   Kategorien: VPX Systeme
MAGIC1A: High Performance Rugged Computer with Intel Xeon E Processor and NVIDIA Quadro GPU (Produkt)
The MAGIC1A is a rugged line replaceable unit (LRU) suitable for high-performance computing in the harshest of environments. The combination of Intel and NVIDIA processors in a low SWaP-C3 package ensure it can be used across a wide range of Commercial and Military applications, including displays, situational awareness, data/radar processing, video processing, classification, and artificial intelligence...
Hersteller: Abaco   Kategorien: X86 kompatible Box PCs, Box PCs, VPX Systeme