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5 Treffer   Kategorie: X86 kompatible Box PCs [X]   
 3 Produkte  
 0 Dokumente  
 1 Kategorien  
 1 PDFs  (+ 2 mit Registrierung)  
MIL-STD-1553 (Kategorie)
MIL-STD-1553 (kurz MIL-Bus) ist ein Feldbus, den die US-Luftwaffe 1973 einführte. Der MIL-Bus ist im militärischen Flugzeugbau und in der Raumfahrt zur Ansteuerung der Systemkomponenten weit verbreitet,
Oberkategorie: Militär und Avionik
ARCX-1100: Rugged Compact i7 COM Express PC with one XMC/PMC Site (Produkt)
Acromag’s ARCX embedded computer is a customizable-off-the-shelf (COTS), SWaP-optimized deployable solution. This rugged, small form factor mission computer is designed for extreme rugged and MIL-AERO applications. This true COTS solution uses the Acromag COM Express Type 6 product platform...
Hersteller: Acromag   Kategorien: X86 kompatible Box PCs, Box PCs, COM Express Systeme, COM Express
CRS-C2I-3VB1: Rugged 3U CompactPCI Application Ready Vehicle Computers (Produkt)
Abaco Systems’ CRS-C2I-3VB1 rugged system is a packaged prevalidated data processing and control computer system with a Intel-based processor single board computer that provides a rugged and highly flexible computing platform suited for applications requiring rock-solid reliability such as civilian and military UAVs, manned commercial and military aircraft, helicopters,over- and underwater research vessels, ground vehicles, and locomotives...
Hersteller: Abaco   Kategorien: X86 kompatible Box PCs, Box PCs, Systeme und Bauteile für autonome Fahrzeuge
MAGIC1A: High Performance Rugged Computer with Intel Xeon E Processor and NVIDIA Quadro GPU (Produkt)
The MAGIC1A is a rugged line replaceable unit (LRU) suitable for high-performance computing in the harshest of environments. The combination of Intel and NVIDIA processors in a low SWaP-C3 package ensure it can be used across a wide range of Commercial and Military applications, including displays, situational awareness, data/radar processing, video processing, classification, and artificial intelligence...
Hersteller: Abaco   Kategorien: X86 kompatible Box PCs, Box PCs, VPX Systeme
ARCX-1100 Datasheet (PDF)
zugehöriges Produkt: ARCX-1100   Hersteller: Acromag   Kategorien: X86 kompatible Box PCs, Box PCs, COM Express Systeme, COM Express