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  • Enabling customers to integrate and use state-of-the-art communication & Internet technologies in their Embedded Systems with the help of NetModule's field proven solutions and profound expertise.

    Customers benefit from a reduction of development risks and costs, being fast to the market and having more complete and competitive products.
Our technology platforms can be adopted to many industrial applications. Capitalize from NetModule's cross-engineering synergies and extensive know how. Embedded Technology tailored to your Industry Segment:

  • Communication and Networking
    - Security protocols, encryption, key exchange
    - Wireless: GSM, UMTS, LTE, WLAN
    - Industrial Ethernet: IEC62439, EthernetIP, Ertec, ProfiNet
    - Voice and Video over IP

  • Public Transportation
    - Wireless Routers
    - Digital Signage
    - Public WLAN

  • Industrial / Automation
    - Machine control
    - Sensor/actor interface
    - Application specific signal acquision and generation
    - Machine to machine communication
    - Fieldbus (CAN, Profibus)
    - Ethernet based networks (EthernetIP, PROFINET, EtherCAT)
    - Redundant Networks (IEC 62439)
    - Process IO (IEC 61850)

  • Life Science / MedTech
    - Diagnostic imaging
    - Analytical systems
    - Laboratory equipment
    - Life sign monitoring
  • Company Profile

    NetModule is a technology company applying communication & Internet technologies to Embedded System solutions for the segments Automation, Tele/Datacom and Life Science. The offering comprises hardware & software products as well as extensive professional engineering services and consulting.

    Founded in 1998 NetModule is a Swiss based company with headquarter in Berne (Niederwangen) and offices in Zurich (Winterthur), Basel, Frankfurt and Hong Kong. From these locations, NetModule serves the central European market (D, A, I and eastern Europe). A subsidiary in Hong Kong supports sourcing activities in far east and serves as a stepping stone for the commercialization of our products and services China.

    NetModule Website
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