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Auswahl PMC, XMC, FMC, IndustryPack
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NEW - Tews
4 Channel Resolver or LVDT/RVDT-to-Digital Converter more
NEW - Tews
Conduction Cooled, Two Channel 10GBASE-T Ethernet more
NEW - Tews
Reconfigurable FPGA with 16x Analog Input 8x Analog Output and 32x Digital I/O more
NEW - Acromag
Configurable AMD Zynq® UltraScale+™ MPSoC with Plug-In I/O more
NEW - Tews
2 Channel 10GBASE-T and 2 Channel SFP+ 10 Gigabit Ethernet more
NEW - Tews
Analog Current & High-Voltage Input Channels, Analog Voltage/Current Output Channels and Digital LVTTL/TTL I/O Channels more
PMC and XMC Modules and Carriers Catalog by TEWS
IndustryPack Modules Catalog by TEWS
AMC and FMC Modules Catalog by TEWS