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2 Treffer   Kategorie: Systeme und Bauteile für autonome Fahrzeuge [X]   
 2 Produkte  
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CRS-C2I-3VB1: Rugged 3U CompactPCI Application Ready Vehicle Computers (Produkt)
Abaco Systems’ CRS-C2I-3VB1 rugged system is a packaged prevalidated data processing and control computer system with a Intel-based processor single board computer that provides a rugged and highly flexible computing platform suited for applications requiring rock-solid reliability such as civilian and military UAVs, manned commercial and military aircraft, helicopters,over- and underwater research vessels, ground vehicles, and locomotives...
Hersteller: Abaco   Kategorien: X86 kompatible Box PCs, Box PCs, Systeme und Bauteile für autonome Fahrzeuge
SBC346: 4th Gen. Intel Core i7 quad-core up to 2.4 GHz (Produkt)
4th Generation Core i7 offers integrated graphics and memory controller plus quad core processing up to 2.4 GHz all in one device. Coupled with the Mobile Intel QM87 Express Chipset, this provides an unmatched level of I/O bandwidth for both on-board and off-board functions ...
Hersteller: Abaco   Kategorien: X86 CPU, VPX (VITA 46), Systeme und Bauteile für autonome Fahrzeuge