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3 Treffer   Kategorie: Graphic Boards [X]   
 3 Produkte  
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GR2: 3U VPX High Performance Dual Channel Graphics Output Board (Produkt)
The Abaco GR2 is a 3U VPX graphics output card based on the NVIDIA Pascal ™ Quadro P5000/P3000 GPUs. The GR2 offers very high performance graphics and GPGPU capability - up to 6.4 TFLOPS floating-point - with CUDA® and OpenCL™ support...
Hersteller: Abaco   Kategorien: Graphic Boards, VPX (VITA 46)
GR4: Rugged 3U VPX Graphics, GPGPU and Video Capture Card with NVIDIA CUDA Support (Produkt)
The Abaco GR4 3U VPX is a 3U VPX form factor rugged graphics/GPGPU/video capture and processing card that is based on NVIDIA’s Pascal ™ GPU architecture. The product comes in 2 variants based on the NVIDIA® GPU – Quadro® P5000 or Quadro® P3000, in that order of decreasing performance. It offers exceptional GPGPU performance with both CUDA 5.1 and OpenCL™...
Hersteller: Abaco   Kategorien: Graphic Boards, VPX (VITA 46)
GR5: 3U VPX Graphics & GPGPU Card with CUDA Support based on NVIDIA Quadro P2000 (Produkt)
The Abaco GR5 is a 3U VPX graphics and GPGPU board based on NVIDIA®’s Pascal™ Quadro P2000 GPU. It offers exceptional graphics and GPGPU capability with CUDA® support for the rugged military and aerospace market...
Hersteller: Abaco   Kategorien: Graphic Boards, VPX (VITA 46)