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7 Treffer   Kategorie: PCIe Bridges and Expansions [X]   
 2 Produkte  
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 4 Kategorien  
 1 PDFs    
MIL Server und Storage: (Kategorie)
Professionelle hochperformante militärische und industrielle Serverlösungen und Festplatten-Arrays für missionskritische Anwendungen unter rauen Umgebungsbedingungen bis BSI Zone 1. Die "Rugged Enterprise
Oberkategorie: Militär und Avionik
Server & Storage: Rugged Industrial and MIL-Class Servers & Storage (Kategorie)
Rugged Industrial and MIL-Class Servers & Storage for mission critical Appications
Oberkategorie: Produkte
Server & Storage: (Kategorie)
Neue Server und Storage Produkte
Oberkategorie: NEWS
PCIe Expansion Kit PED8234 Adapter: Expand your PCIe capabilities with the most reliable PCIe Expansion on the market (Produkt)
Expand as far as your application demands it. Plug the Trenton Rugged™ PCIe Expansion kit into any of your existing PCIe slots and expand using our PCIe Backplanes that offer up to 18 additional slots at Gen3 speeds!...
Hersteller: TrentonSystems   Kategorien: PCIe Bridges and Expansions, PCIexpress, PCI, PCIe,..., Bridge/Busextension, PCI
PCIe Expansion Systems: Trenton PCIe Expansion System (Produkt)
Trenton provides a variety of different system design tools for supporting a large number of I/O cards in a motherboard-based server environment. For example, a Trenton Systems PCIe expansion chassis ships with the Trenton PED8044 target card installed in the SHB slot of any standard PICMG 1.3 backplane, and a PEU8039 host card that plugs into any available x16 PCIe slot on a host server’s motherboard...
Hersteller: TrentonSystems   Kategorien: Bridge/Busextension, PCI, PCI, PCIe,..., PCIe Bridges and Expansions, PCIexpress
Home: systerra computer GmbH (Kategorie)
Ihr Partner für robuste industrielle Computer-Lösungen
PCIe Expansion Overview Datasheet (PDF)
zugehöriges Produkt: PCIe Expansion Systems   Hersteller: TrentonSystems   Kategorien: Bridge/Busextension, PCI, PCI, PCIe,..., PCIe Bridges and Expansions, PCIexpress