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4 Treffer   Kategorie: PCIe-104 [X]   
 2 Produkte  
 0 Dokumente  
 2 Kategorien  
 0 PDFs  (+ 2 mit Registrierung)  
Rugged COM Express Modules (Kategorie)
X86 Architecture based COM Express Modules for Harsh Environments
Oberkategorie: COM Express
COM Express Systeme: Rugged COM Express System Lösungen (Kategorie)
Rugged COM Express System Lösungen auf Basis von COTS Modulen
Oberkategorie: COM Express
SPM34CPx1250HR: PCIe/104 Embedded DSP Controllers based on Texas Instruments TMS320C667x™ 1.25 GHz Multi-Core DSPs (Produkt)
Based on the Texas Instruments TMS320C66x, RTD’s SPM34CP dspModules are high performance fixed/floating point embedded DSP controllers designed around the PCIe/104 stackable bus structure...
Hersteller: RTD   Kategorien: PCIe-104, DSP Module, PC/104, Analog I/O, I/O Module
SPM35CPx1250HR: PCIe/104 Embedded DSP Controllers based on Texas Instruments TMS320C667x™ 1.25 GHz Multi-Core DSPs (Produkt)
Based on the Texas Instruments TMS320C667x, RTD’s SPM35CP dspModules are versatile fixed/floating point embedded DSP controllers with a PCIe/104 stackable bus structure...
Hersteller: RTD   Kategorien: PCIe-104, DSP Module, PC/104, Analog I/O, I/O Module