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2 Treffer   Kategorie: X86 kompatible Box PCs [X]   
 1 Produkte  
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Kundenspezifische Systeme: Kundenspezifische System Lösungen (Kategorie)
Maßgeschneiderte kunden-spezifische Computer-Lösungen
Oberkategorie: Systeme
AC600 AC610: Embedded Blue® Din Rail Industrial PC: Intel® Atom™ E3900 Series Processor, Apollo Lake SoC (Produkt)
As a member of their Embedded Blue® DIN Rail series, EKF presents the AC600/AC610, both fully featured industrial PCs. The box is equipped with an Intel® E39xx processor, and offers two connectors each
Hersteller: EKF   Kategorien: X86 kompatible Box PCs, Box PCs