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3 Treffer   Kategorie: X86 CPU [X]   
 1 Produkte  
 0 Dokumente  
 2 Kategorien  
 0 PDFs    
PMC Modules: PCI Mezzanine Modules (Kategorie)
PCI and PCI-X Bus based Mezzanine Modules
Oberkategorie: PMC, XMC, FMC, IndustryPack
FPGA Modules: PMC FPGA Modules (Kategorie)
Wide Scope of PMC Modules with all popular FPGA Types
Oberkategorie: PMC Modules
CPU-111-10: Intel Xeon Quad-Core 6U VPX SBC with 10Gig Ethernet Switch (Produkt)
The CPU-111-10 is a rugged, high-performance 6U VPX (VITA 46) Single Board Computer (SBC) featuring a quad-core Intel L5408 Xeon processor and integrated 10 Gigabit Ethernet switch to support full-mesh backplane data layer interconnectivity for up to eight SBCs integrated into a single chassis...
Hersteller: Eurotech   Kategorien: X86 CPU, VPX (VITA 46)