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2 Treffer   Kategorie: LTE/UMTS/GSM to WLAN Routers [X]   
 1 Produkte  
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19...22 Zoll Panel PCs: 19...22 Inch Panel PCs (Kategorie)
Panel PCs with 19...22 Inch Display
Oberkategorie: Panel PCs
WDR-3124A: Industrial 802.11n/HSPA Wireless Router for Both WLAN, WWAN Connectivity (Produkt)
The WDR-3124A industrial wireless router combines 802.11n and cellular technologies to provide flexible wireless network connectivity. The WDR-3124A comes with a built-in antenna and power isolation suitable for any harsh industrial environment. With DIN-rail mounting, wide operating temperature range models, and IP30 housing, the WDR-3124A is a convenient yet reliable solution for any industrial wireless application ...
Hersteller: Moxa   Kategorien: LTE/UMTS/GSM to WLAN Routers, Wireless Network Devices, Routers+Firewalls