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8 Treffer   Kategorie: GPGPU Systeme [X]   
 8 Produkte  
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RES AI-XR6-1U-2dr-20IN: 20” deep, 2 Drive, Rear I/O rugged High Performance Computing (HPC) rack mountable Server, (Produkt)
Engineered to handle massive workloads anywhere, Mercury’s EnterpriseSeries RES AI 1U server employs the latest NVIDIA® Tesla® GPUs and Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors to accelerate compute-heavy mission-critical applications such as Signal Intelligence (SIGINT), cryptography, deep learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), surveillance, sensor fusion, visualization, image processing, tracking and big data analytics...
Hersteller: Mercury Systems   Kategorien: GPGPU Systeme
RES AI-XR6-2U-8dr-21IN: 21” deep, 8 Drive, rear I/O rugged High Performance Computing (HPC) rack mountable Server, (Produkt)
Engineered to handle massive workloads anywhere, Mercury’s EnterpriseSeries RES AI 2U server employs the latest NVIDIA® Tesla® GPUs and Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors to accelerate compute-heavy mission-critical applications such as Signal Intelligence (SIGINT), cryptography, deep learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), surveillance, sensor fusion, visualization, image processing, tracking and big data analytics...
Hersteller: Mercury Systems   Kategorien: GPGPU Systeme
RES AI-XR6-3U-16dr-20IN: 20” deep, 16 drive, rear I/O rugged High Performance Computing (HPC) rack mountable Server, (Produkt)
Engineered to handle massive workloads anywhere, Mercury’s EnterpriseSeries™ RES AI 3U server employs the latest NVIDIA® Tesla® GPUs and Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors to accelerate compute-heavy mission-critical applications such as Signal Intelligence (SIGINT), cryptography, deep learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), surveillance, sensor fusion, visualization, image processing, tracking and big data analytics...
Hersteller: Mercury Systems   Kategorien: GPGPU Systeme
RES AI-XR6-3U-16dr-21IN: 21” deep, 16 drive, rear I/O rugged High Performance Computing (HPC) rack mountable Server (Produkt)
Engineered to handle massive workloads anywhere, Mercury’s EnterpriseSeries™ RES AI 3U server employs the latest NVIDIA® Tesla® GPUs and Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors to accelerate compute-heavy mission-critical applications such as Signal Intelligence (SIGINT), cryptography, deep learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), surveillance, sensor fusion, visualization, image processing, tracking and big data analytics...
Hersteller: Mercury Systems   Kategorien: GPGPU Systeme
RES AI-XR6-3U-4dr-20IN: 20” deep, 4 drive, rear I/O rugged High Performance Computing (HPC) rack mountable Server, (Produkt)
Engineered to handle massive workloads anywhere, Mercury’s EnterpriseSeries™ RES AI 3U server employs the latest NVIDIA® Tesla® GPUs and Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors to accelerate compute-heavy mission-critical applications such as Signal Intelligence (SIGINT), cryptography, deep learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), surveillance, sensor fusion, visualization, image processing, tracking and big data analytics...
Hersteller: Mercury Systems   Kategorien: GPGPU Systeme
RES AI-XR6-3U-8dr-21IN: 21” deep, 8 drive, rear I/O rugged High Performance Computing (HPC) rack mountable Server (Produkt)
Engineered to handle massive workloads anywhere, Mercury’s EnterpriseSeries™ RES AI 3U server employs the latest NVIDIA® Tesla® GPUs and Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors to accelerate compute-heavy mission-critical applications such as Signal Intelligence (SIGINT), cryptography, deep learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), surveillance, sensor fusion, visualization, image processing, tracking and big data analytics...
Hersteller: Mercury Systems   Kategorien: GPGPU Systeme
RES AI-XR6-3U-8dr-24IN: 24” deep, 8 drive, rear I/O rugged high performance computing (HPC) rack mountable server, (Produkt)
Engineered to handle massive workloads anywhere, Mercury’s EnterpriseSeries™ RES AI 3U server employs the latest NVIDIA® Tesla® GPUs and Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors to accelerate compute-heavy mission-critical applications such as Signal Intelligence (SIGINT), cryptography, deep learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), surveillance, sensor fusion, visualization, image processing, tracking and big data analytics...
Hersteller: Mercury Systems   Kategorien: GPGPU Systeme
RES AI-XR6-4U-8dr-22.5IN: 22.5” deep, 8 drive, rear I/O rugged High Performance Computing (HPC) rack mountable Server, (Produkt)
Engineered to handle massive workloads anywhere, Mercury’s EnterpriseSeries™ RES AI 4U server employs the latest NVIDIA® Tesla® GPUs and Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors to accelerate compute-heavy mission-critical applications such as Signal Intelligence (SIGINT), cryptography, deep learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), surveillance, sensor fusion, visualization, image processing, tracking and big data analytics...
Hersteller: Mercury Systems   Kategorien: GPGPU Systeme