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2 Treffer   Kategorie: FMC Modules [X]   
 1 Produkte  
 0 Dokumente  
 1 Kategorien  
 0 PDFs    
Rackmount PCs: Rackmount embedded PCs (Kategorie)
X86 and ARM rugged Rack-mount PCs for Automation and Power Substations
Oberkategorie: Systeme
TigerFMC: VITA 57.1 and 57.4 compliant Optical FMC (high-speed FPGA Mezzanine Card @ 336 Gbps) (Produkt)
Nowadays, applications require more and more data throughput. High speed serial links become the bottleneck of integrated systems. TechwaY brings you a very compact and efficient solution with the TigerFMC...
Hersteller: TechwaY   Kategorien: FMC Modules, PMC, XMC, FMC, IndustryPack