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1 Treffer   Kategorie: GNSS/GSM/GPRS Routers [X]   
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NB2800-2LWacAp-GV: High-performance and modular mobile Vehicle Router with 2x LTE + WLAN-ac + 2x GbE + GNSS + PTT + (Produkt)
The NB2800 provides in-vehicle wireless Internet access. The router is equipped with multiple LTE modules that can be bundled, two WiFi access points with the latest IEEE 802.11ac standard, GNSS for positioning and 2 Gigabit Ethernet ports...
Hersteller: NetModule   Kategorien: LTE Routers and Gateways, Wireless Network Devices, Routers+Firewalls, GNSS/GSM/GPRS Routers, UMTS/HSDPA Routers, LTE/UMTS/GSM to WLAN Routers