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3 Treffer   Kategorie: FMC Modules [X]   
 3 Produkte  
 0 Dokumente  
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FMC112: Low Pin count 12-channel 14-bit ADC FMC - 125 Msps (Produkt)
The FMC112 is a 12-channel ADC FMC Daughter Card which is fully compliant with the VITA 57.1-2008 standard. It provides 12 A/D 14-bit 125 MSPS channels which can be sampled by an internal clock source...
Hersteller: Abaco   Kategorien: FMC Modules, PMC, XMC, FMC, IndustryPack
FMC125: High Pin count 4-channel 8-bit FMC ADC - 5 Gsps (Produkt)
The FMC125 is a quad-channel multi-mode A/D FMC, fully compliant with VITA 57.1 standards...
Hersteller: Abaco   Kategorien: FMC Modules, PMC, XMC, FMC, IndustryPack
FMC406: Clock and trigger distribution FMC (Produkt)
The FMC40X is a low noise clock generation and distribution module with eight clock outputs and eight trigger outputs that are fully synchronized. There are two configurations: 34.375MHz-250MHz or 34.375MHz-4.4GHz...
Hersteller: Abaco   Kategorien: FMC Modules, PMC, XMC, FMC, IndustryPack