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3 Treffer   Kategorie: M12 Connectors + Caps [X]   
 1 Produkte  
 0 Dokumente  
 1 Kategorien  
 1 PDFs    
15 Zoll Panel PCs: 15 Inch Panel PCs (Kategorie)
Panel PCs with 15 Inch Display
Oberkategorie: Panel PCs
Rugged, sealed M12 CAT6A Connector System with innovative X-Code Cross-Shielding (Produkt)
The Brad® Micro-Change® M12 CAT6A connector system with its innovative cross shielding (X-code conforming to IEC 61076-2-109) for superior signal integrity is the next development in terms of speed in the M12 form factor. Conventional M12 connectors support Cat5e Ethernet up to 10/100 megabits per second vs. the Micro-Change M12 CAT6A system which achieves up to 10 Gigabits per second (Gbps) Ethernet.
Hersteller: Molex   Kategorien: M12 Connectors + Caps, Accessories
M12 CAT6A Datasheet (PDF)
zugehöriges Produkt: M12 CAT6A   Hersteller: Molex   Kategorien: M12 Connectors + Caps, Accessories