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3 Approaches to Build a Smarter Surveillance Network With 802.3bt PoE Switches

Whitepaper: How PoE switches enhance IP surveillance networks

Nowadays, surveillance systems play an important role in generating powerful security and traffic insights. These kinds of systems, usually requiring continuous uptime and fast troubleshooting functions, rely not only on rugged IP cameras, but also robust industrial networking, which is why we designed our EDS-4000/G4000 Series to include 802.3bt PoE++ with 90 W output and 2.5GbE bandwidth.

PoE switches simplify installation and maintenance, and also have the capability to visualize your network in your control room and build network redundancy. Here are three aspects to consider before you start to build your smarter surveillance solution.

3 Things PoE Switches Can Do for You

Compatibility With Your IP Cameras
Consider deploying PoE switches that are compliant with the IEEE 802.3bt standard and support auto power class detection, which will simplify integration with your PoE cameras.

Visibility in Your Control Room
Using PoE switches instead of midspans (injectors) makes it possible to remotely visualize all your IP cameras and reboot them without dispatching personnel.

Availability for Power-demanding Sites
90 W power output ensures sufficient power for industrial cameras that utilize power-hungry features including heater, wiper, infrared, thermal optics, and object detection.
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